Submit Order-Pay Bank

Order Form  (pay via bank transfer) 


1. Pre-select photos you wish to order and note down the file names.

2. Calculate the price including discounts where they apply to you (below).

3. Complete Order Form - Click "Open Form" below.

4. Pay for photos by direct debit to Bank Account. TONY-PHOTOS.COM will reconcile your order with payment.

(For TONY-PHOTOS.COM bank details click... here)

pricing table 2020.JPG

... calculate the price LESS ANY discounts

Then click "Open Form" to specify the Graduation photographs you wish to order.


DISCOUNT CODES may apply. You can apply Discount Code "PAIDINFOYER" and receive a $20 credit if you already paid for the photo shoot in the Guild Graduation foyer.

Apply Discount code "GUILD2020" to receive 15% discount if your order is more than $30.

Note these Discounts cannot occur simultaneously. So we recommend you apply the "PAIDINFOYER" discount if applicable, to an order for either one foyer print photo or two digital. If you wish to purchase additional photos (over $30) then apply the "GUILD2020" discount in a separate order.

*Click here to contact  to discuss further discounts for large orders.